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Кабель HPE Aruba 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 7m Direct Attach Copper Cable (J9285D)

21,172 руб.

Кабель HP SFP+ Attach X240 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 5m Direct Attach Copper Cable (JG081A)

28,351 руб.

Кабель HP SFP+ Attach X240 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 1.2m Direct Attach Copper Cable (JD096A)

18,410 руб.

Кабель HP SFP+ Attach X240 10G SFP+ SFP+ 10m Direct Attach Cable (JD060A)

48,326 руб.

Кабель HP SFP+ Attach X240 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 0.65m Direct Attach Copper Cable (JD095A)

8,561 руб.

Кабель HP SFP+ Attach X240 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 5m Direct Attach Copper Cable (JB081B)

26,695 руб.

Кабель HP SFP+ Attach X242 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 1m Direct Attach Copper Cable (J9281A)

12,887 руб.

Кабель HP SFP+ Attach X242 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 7m Direct Attach Copper Cable (J9285A)

35,439 руб.

Кабель HP SFP+ Attach X242 SFP+ SFP+ 10m Direct Attach Copper Cable (J9286A)

42,343 руб.

Кабель HP SFP+ Attach X242 SFP+ SFP+ 15m Direct Attach Copper Cable (J9287A)

61,029 руб.

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